Daily ArchiveJune 1, 2009


Why You Need to Beef Up Your Internet Security

Your company’s Internet security needs should be at the top of your to-do list – especially if you work in an industry that deals with personal information, stores sensitive materials, or does any business on the web. While most companies that work with these first two issues already have a threat detection software and some security measures in place, the latter factor (doing business on the web) is often overlooked as a way for attackers and viruses to get in.

In fact, simply having an online storefront makes your IT vulnerability increase. It’s much like having a real storefront – once you’ve got a physical presence somewhere, there’s a bigger possibility that someone will see something to steal or even break in as a way to make mischief. And the more doors and windows you have, the more points of entry you have to secure.

Your online storefront (or even just your website) operates in much the same way. Hackers, malware, and Trojan programs can use this as a door to either get into your information online or even to access your in-office network. And like a physical storefront, you need to put in security systems to keep you – and your customers – protected.

Fortunately, there are ways to test your current vulnerability rating to determine how good your current Internet security is working. Like a fake heist to test whether or not your bouncer is doing his job at the door, IT security consultants can look at your existing system to determine where you can “beef up” your security as your company grows and changes.