Daily ArchiveJuly 16, 2009


You Know That Software Is Licensed, Right?

Your business uses a lot of software, and some of it is pretty expensive. You need it to communicate, to create, and to keep your business running, so doing without it isn’t an option. Did you know that there are limits to the number of computers you can run your software on for each purpose? If you are finding ways to get around this, you are effectively stealing the software. That’s not only bad for business, it’s breaking the law.

Even if you’ve properly paid for all of the software you are using, you may not be aware that some software licenses expire after a set amount of time. You may have to renew the license or purchase it again, but all the same, you’ll have to deal with it or the software may stop working. One way to avoid finding out too late that your software has expired is to use a tracking program. It will keep a record of the expiration dates on your licenses to make sure that the products you are using are legal and that they’ll continue to run.

Another option is free software. Freeware is sometimes an option for a growing company. Provided it’s available for use in a business setting, it can be a great way to save a little cash. Finding the good stuff in the piles of free software available, however, can be tough. It’s also hard to know if the download is reputable. One way to make this process worry free is to ask an expert. An IT consultant is up-to-date on all of the software you could want, both paid and free. By using them to help you sort through licenses and freeware, you can be sure you’re getting the best products and a great deal. After all, don’t you want less to worry about?