Daily ArchiveJuly 23, 2009


Hacking Isn’t What it Looks Like in the Movies

We’ve all seen movies and TV shows that present someone breaking into a computer. From early 80s teen movies to recent Hollywood blockbusters, hacking is everywhere on the big screen. While these movies occasionally show a nerdy sort of fellow cracking codes, by and large it’s suave, attractive, highly competent people doing the work for a big payoff.

In the real world, this is rarely how it works.

How can I say that? Well, because most of what is trying to break into your network aren’t people – good-looking or otherwise. They are programs, viruses, and malware.

They are also quite effective. If these programs can map your system and get inside, they can steal your data or even destroy it. If your data is taken, you will lose time, money, productivity, and possibly even your clients and customers. Is that a risk you can take?

So, what’s a heroic company like yours to do? Well, you need to find those weaknesses before anyone else can. Your best course of action is to contact some IT security experts. While these professionals may not get the glory in the movies, these are the people who can beef up your security and help keep your network safe in the real world.

It’s a small commitment with tremendous rewards, especially when you consider what types of damages can occur if you don’t. You may not be chased by the bad guy through the streets of Prague, but you could lose all the time and money you’ve invested in your company.

After all, with fewer security worries, you’ll have more time to relax and enjoy the big picture.