In its most basic form, vulnerability metrics is a set of values assigned to networks and applications. However, in order to use it to prevent an IT disaster, you need to know how to use those metrics effectively. Vulnerability metrics are best used when applied to determine how at risk a business is from a network threat as well as how great of an impact that threat will be.
Imagine the following scenario:
You suspect theft from within your company. What kind of measures would you take to catch the thief, prevent it from happening again, and regain whatever it is that has been affected? What actvities can be set aside while you focus on this task, and what simply cannot be sacrificed at this time?
Vulnerability metrics is basically the network of professionals behind the hero in an action-packed thriller movie. While the hero is responsible for going out there and getting things done, he can’t do it without someone he trusts processing his information, warning him of risks, and providing a sounding board for making the right decisions.
In the same way, without the metrics allowing you to compare and identify your most important threats, you not only leave your network exposed and defenseless, but it will be difficult to recuperate from the threat and you would not know how to prevent it from happening again. After all, you have to keep that hero alive and working.
There is a weakness to every organization, it is finding it and controlling it that is the true task. Once you are aware of your company’s weakness, you can understand the affects of it and learn how to prevent it.
Though it is easy to obtain vulnerability metrics, implementing them is a harder task if you are not properly trained. A well-qualified employee or an IT consultant has been trained to use the metrics system specifically for your business and your bottom line. With the correct training, vulnerability metrics can be an essential service in protection your business.