There are many critical steps to keeping your network and applications safe, but how do you protect against denial of service attacks? If an outside party is flooding your email with spam, you won’t be able to receive new messages. If they are inundating your website with information and requests, it could slow your system to a crawl or even crash it. With your system is compromised, an attacker may even use your resources to attack another business. The real question is, what can you do to prevent this sort of attack?
Understanding how your infrastructure and network are set up is crucial. Make sure that your IT staff knows the ins and the outs of the hardware and software so that they can not only make it as secure as possible, but so they can also pinpoint what portion is being attacked. Keep documentation about the system setup and any changes made to it, and be sure that this record is kept up-to-date. You should know that if your system is used to attack another business, you may be held legally responsible for the damage!
Tips for Denial of Service Preparedness
Knowing how to protect your business against denial of service attacks is a critical portion of IT security. It will help protect your network and reputation, as well as help protect other businesses that may get caught in the crossfire. By using the steps above, you can help make your company less likely to be the victim of a successful attack.
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